Vow to Fashion

Monday, January 12, 2015

Check Check and Check

Everyone has some sort of bucket list. They can be long or short. Some only have 1 thing on them. My bucket list is a little different from others, it doesn't involve trips to foreign places, or jumping out of planes. 

Mine involves certain kinds of sessions. In my business I have done engagements, a wedding here and there, cake smash, newborn, and family sessions. Heck I have even done some commercial work.

Memory Layne Photography's Bucket List
1. Photograph a birth
1. Photograph a military homecoming

In the last 2 weeks I have booked both kinds of sessions and I could not be more excited.

In July I get to photograph my very first birth. There is nothing more beautiful then the gift of life. Part of the reason I photograph newborns is because I believe that each and everyone is a miracle and no 2 are exactly alike. Well unless they are identical twins, which I have had the honor or photographing 2 sets. Birth sessions are long, but there is nothing I would love more then to capture a couple becoming parents for the first time, or the second or third. Capturing the expression of dad or mom holding their baby for the first time. The baby's first breath, first cry, first time latching onto mom, or first bottle. I want to be able to snap away and give mom and dad moments they never see because they came and went so quickly.

Sometime in the next couple months I also get to photograph a military homecoming. The second most beautiful thing. The moment a wife gets her husband back, or a husband gets his wife back. The moment a dog gets its owner back. The moment children get their parent back. Capturing that long awaited first hug, first kiss, first words said. Capturing moments so they can look at them years down the road and remember the day and feeling like it was just yesterday. 

So thank you to the ones who have made the start to 2015 year amazing. Can't wait to capture these moments for you.

Wanting to book a birth session or any other kind of session? 
Contact me today!


  1. Congratulations on being able to cross a couple things off your photography bucket list soon! How exciting - I can't wait to see!

  2. Both bucket wish list items are such emotional events and I bet will move you beyond words...which is why photography is such a gift. You will be able to provide these precious memories to your clients but you too get to experience them again each time you will look at these images. I can't wait to see these sessions on the blog!

  3. I shot my first birth in 2014 and it was an amazing experience and one I'll never forget. I can't wait to see how you capture birth photography come July! And a military homecoming is on my list of things I'd love a chance to shoot too!

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  6. Oh this is so exciting! I cannot wait to hear all about your birth and homecoming experiences!! I have a good friend locally that does birth photography and the emotions you capture in those moments!! Congrats- exciting to see your bucket list items getting crossed off!!

  7. Congratulations! Birth photography is such an honor!

  8. Oh, photographing a birth is on my photography bucket list as well! I can't wait to see that blog post! My dad was a career Navy officer, so I know military homecomings well. They are absolutely one of life's moments that should be captured in beautiful photographs. I will be looking for those blog posts!

  9. Congratulations, Courtney. It seems like 2015 will be a great year for Memory Layne Photography! You must be so excited to cross both a birth and a military homecoming off of your photography bucket list. Can't wait to see all the photos!

  10. As a birth photographer myself, I am very excited for you. :) Birth photography is such a significant part of the photography world, and it's great that you are interested in exploring it. I can't wait to see photos from the sessions you capture for families in Southern California!

  11. I have tried my hands at birth photography and i really respect people who do it. Specially when these are one of your to-do list things...congratulations for getting there :)

  12. Thank you of sharing your bucket list! How fun! I can't wait to see your birth photography!!!

  13. What a wonderful opportunity for you as a photographer! A birth session and a military homecoming are so personal in nature, it is awesome that they could find a talented photographer such as yourself to capture it. Good luck!


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