Vow to Fashion

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Jack's Riverside Senior Session

Jack's Riverside Senior Session

Jack was the first male senior for Memory Layne Photography for Class of 2015.

He was very sweet and down to earth. Jack plays baseball and soccer. I was excited when he said he brought his baseball bat and soccer shoes with him. I love incorporating things that mean a lot to my subjects. It really adds a personal touch to their photos and memories will always come flashing back in the future when looking back on the photos. 

We had fun running around downtown Riverside looking for various locations to photograph Jack in. 
I couldn't be happier with how the pictures came out.

Introducing Jack Class of 2015!

Hey class if 2015, have you had your senior pictures taken yet? If not it's not to late to contact me to book a session today, but hurry spots fill up quickly!


  1. He's so cute & you captured him perfectly. You did such a good job posing him & he looks like he had a great time. Great job!!

  2. Terrific senior session. Downtown Riverside looks like a great place to have photos taken.

  3. I love how well you captured Jack's personality at his Riverside Senior Session! These will be the perfect portraits for him to look back on in years to come. PS- I'm based in Irvine, we should meet up sometime!

  4. What a fantastic Senior session! Riverside is such a beautiful area...as a California native. I love how you were able to incorporate his current passions!

  5. What a great senior session. You captured his personality so well. I'm a huge baseball fan, so love those especially.

  6. Such a lovely senior session! you've done a great job!

  7. Amazing senior portraits! I love the baseball ones!

  8. Such a great senior photo shoot. I really like the tight head shot with the bat. Great job portraying his personality and interests!

  9. Great Senior session in downtown Riverside.

  10. Has nobody noticed how strikingly beautiful his blue eyes are!? Specifically in that last photo! Man, high school seniors these days have it great with these fabulous and personalized photography sessions. I remember my graduation portraits being classic, but plain. These are anything but!

  11. You are such a talented Riverside photographer!

  12. These are such classic senior portraits! This Riverside senior has to be thrilled with his photos...and they will never go out of style!


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